Movies Detail of The Lion Sleeps Tonight (2018)
✓ Title : The Lion Sleeps Tonight
✓ Original Title : Le lion est mort ce soir
✓ Release Date : January 3rd, 2018
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 103 minutes
✓ Director : Nobuhiro Suwa
✓ Writer : Nobuhiro Suwa
✓ Companies : Les Productions Balthazar, FILM-IN-EVOLUTION, Bitters End
✓ Countries : France, Japan
✓ Cast : Maud Wyler, Françoise Michaud, Noë Sampy, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Jean-Louis Berard, Arthur Harari, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Pauline Étienne, Jules Langlade, Isabelle Weingarten
✓ Original Title : Le lion est mort ce soir
✓ Release Date : January 3rd, 2018
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 103 minutes
✓ Director : Nobuhiro Suwa
✓ Writer : Nobuhiro Suwa
✓ Companies : Les Productions Balthazar, FILM-IN-EVOLUTION, Bitters End
✓ Countries : France, Japan
✓ Cast : Maud Wyler, Françoise Michaud, Noë Sampy, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Jean-Louis Berard, Arthur Harari, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Pauline Étienne, Jules Langlade, Isabelle Weingarten
Synopsis of The Lion Sleeps Tonight (2018)
An aging movie actor who is preparing to shoot a death scene finds himself visited by the spirit of a dead, long-ago lover.

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Well, The Lion Sleeps Tonight (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Lion Sleeps Tonight (2018) itselft directed by Nobuhiro Suwa and Starring by Maud Wyler, Françoise Michaud, Noë Sampy, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Jean-Louis Berard, Arthur Harari, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Pauline Étienne, Jules Langlade, Isabelle Weingarten which made The Lion Sleeps Tonight (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

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